Tape Is Drawing
When I created this piece, I felt the tape was creating expressions on its own. I felt amazed by the vibrancy and energy in this immersive, open-minded space of having the tape create itself. I followed the energy that emerged from the unknown. I felt much joy, excitement, and wonder witnessing the life energy emerge and flourish on the paper.
At one point, I felt the instinct to use a pin to create a pattern and then carve out the paper and collage it. In the interactive and intuitive process of creating and de-creating, I felt balance and ease releasing control and the known and let the unknown take its own lead and speak its own language.
Tape is drawing
make a drawing of
your drawing instrument with
your drawing instrument
tape draws itself
precision of materiality
in the freedom of precision
tape draws itself
be free as you want
tape will draw as precise
as it can
precision is materiality
precision of not knowing
tape is drawing
drawing is tape
marker, pencil, ink, tape on paper, 30x42in Tape is drawing
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